Having an SEO friendly website design is the ladder to the success of a website or business on the internet. Anyone who wants to have more traffic on their website should present it according to the search engine guidelines. It is the time when SEO comes to play. Before initiating the topic of SEO-friendly website designing, first of all, let’s understand what does it mean by SEO-friendly website design?
“SEO friendly website designing refers to the development of the website that are ready to accessed and indexed by the search engine crawlers”
In layman’s language, the website is designed according to the SEO friendly website design guidelines to rank their website on Google’s SERPs.
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Need for the SEO friendly Website Designing
As we all know, Google has crawlers or bots who crawl and index the websites and ensure the visibility of the websites in the search engine result pages. So, for google spiders’ assistance, it requires the websites to be optimized according to the SEO guidelines. It includes many aspects to ensure the website’s optimization like hosting, CMS, crew ability, indexing, content, images, URLs, etc.
How SEO friendly web design beneficial for our website’s ranking?
Optimization of the websites as per the SEO guidelines not only enhances the website visibility in SERPs but also makes it user-friendly. Primary benefits of SEO-friendly web designs:
- Boost in organic traffic
- Viable for user interaction
- Brand credibility
- Cost-effective
- Mobile-friendly
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SEO Friendly vs SEO Optimized

Most people consider both terms the same, but in reality, it is not true. SEO-friendly is a one-time process whether it includes thousands of pages, but once it is done then it is no longer needed to make changes in it. On the other hand, SEO-Optimized is a continuous procedure. It is based on the purpose of adding more content, more traffic, more conversions, etc.
Essential rules to make the website design SEO Friendly
To maintain the ranking of your website in Google’s top pages, then you need to follow some necessary guidelines:
Content is King
You have read the term “content is king” many times on the internet. Right? Do you understand the exact meaning of it? It doesn’t simply mean writing content on web pages, despite it refers to the content that would be useful for the readers as well as for the search engines. You can enhance the traffic engagement on your website by presenting the content through different sources like videos, infographics, blogs, case studies, eBooks, white papers, checklists, interviews, etc. When designing a website, make sure the content is in the right structure like heading, paragraphs, images, etc.
Important aspects of Content Marketing
- Appropriate Word Count
- Social Media Accounts
- Hyperlinks
- Multimedia Tools
According to the Global Survey conducted by Hubspot in Nov-Dec 2019, content presentation through videos is on the top followed by blogs and e-books.
Keyword Research

Keyword research is the basic approach to achieve an SEO-friendly website design. Google bots are becoming more human-like and it provides the results that are optimized according to the SEO guidelines. While embedding the keywords in the content or on the website, make sure your content is clear from the heading.
Read More: How to Improve the Organic Search Traffic on Social Media
Important aspects of Keyword Research
- Embed keyword in title
- Structured heading tags
- Keyword stuffing
According to Moz, fathead or short-tail keywords rank faster on the top pages than the long-tail keywords.
Website Speed

Another crucial factor to make the website design SEO-friendly is to maintain the website speed. In 2010, Google has made page speed an important ranking factor. So, it is mandatory to speed up the pages of a website. To enhance the site speed, you can use the compressed images, small size media files, avoid adding unnecessary plugins, etc. Website owners can get the help of Google Page-Speed Insights to determine the exact time their website is taking in loading pages.
In this modern era, more and more people are habitual of using mobile phones in their daily life. People usually use mobile for searching on google, so it is essential to have mobile-friendly websites. Unfriendly mobile websites can result in an increase in the bounce rate.
Structured Schema
Schema is structured data that is beneficial for the google crawler’s readability. Despite it does not affect the Google rankings but it influences the structure in which google displays the webpages on google’s SERPs. So, it is mandatory to have the structured schemas linked to our website to provide a specific path to the Google crawlers to crawl your website.
SEO Friendly URL’s
Structured URL’s also play an important role in enhancing the visibility of the websites in search engine result pages. URL’s should be precise, meaningful, and easy to read. Avoid using special characters like underscore, percentage, etc. URL’s should be easy to read and understandable for both the users and search engines.
Internal Linking
For the smooth navigation of the search engines and crawlers from one page to another page, it is essential to link the pages internally. For instance, you have one page with content like backlinks having the keywords like local listing, then you can link this keyword with another page having the content related to the local listing. So, with this, users can move easily from one page to the required one.
In Few Words
Achieving the top positions on Google’s search engine result pages is not a piece of cake. But analyzing the google algorithms and guidelines deeply can aid you to secure higher google ranks. As google bots are getting smarter day by day, therefore, having SEO friendly website designs will encourage you to assure higher google page rankings. If you want to Get SEO Services rank higher in SERP, Hire an SEO expert to achieve the same.
Read More: How to create backlinks | 10 Powerful Backlink Building Strategies