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    Empower your Rental Business
    with Property Management Software Solutions

    With our best property management software solutions, you can take control of your rental business like never before. Easily streamline operations, automate procedures, and increase profits. Unlock your business’s true potential and stay ahead of the competition with our innovative solutions.

    • Virtual Property Tours
    • Advanced Cost Calculators
    • Interactive 3D Maps
    • GPS & Navigation
    • 14+ years of experience
    • 97%+ Client Retention
    • Dedicated 160-man hours

      Book Free Consultation

      We assure a response within 8 business hours.

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      What TWS Offering In Property Management Software Solutions?

      Tekki Web Solutions Inc. helps you in several ways for commercial property management software development. Our feature-enriched custom software is an ideal solution for all real estate industry roles from property owners to property buyers.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Advanced Technologies

      Our team keeps updating itself with trending technologies to provide our clients with feature-enriched solutions.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Budget-Friendly Solution

      We promised to implement budget-friendly strategies for the best custom solution development.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      24/7 Support

      Our team of real estate app developers available around the clock to help you out and sort out your queries.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Flexible Engagement Models

      We employ custom engagement models to allow them to fit all project needs to offer 100% scalability.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Skilled Resources

      We have a large strength of skilled developers who can manage complex projects efficiently.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Agile Methodology

      Our developers have adopted the agile development process to offer cost-effective services on time.

      TWS’s Property Management Software Process

      To ensure the custom software delivery on time, our real estate app developers use strategic plans to meet the customer’s demand with timely improvements.

      Property Management Software

      Maximize Your Rental Business Profits with
      our Property Management App

      Our Achievements

      We Do believe that Our Partner’s success is our success. In Today’s Digital world every business requires trusted partners to provide comprehensive solutions to their digital transformation. Here are the lists of our Trusted IT Partners. Our complimentary partnerships create a unique environment for client success.

      Components of Property Management Software Solutions

      Property Management Software are proven as a boon for property brokers, sellers, and buyers, as it streamlines the whole process of property selling and buying with transparency.

      Admin Dashboard

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Lead Generation

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      User Profile Validation

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Accurate Analytics

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Track Reporting

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.
      property management software companies
      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Manage Listing Database

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Approve Property Listings

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Advertisement Management

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Revenue System

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Manage Property Lease

      Comprehensive Dashboard

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Customer Analytics

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Realtor Consultation

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Property Verification

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.


      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.
      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.
      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      3D Property Views

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Property Search Filters

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Set Property Status

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Currency Converter

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Earning Management

      Virtual Property Tours

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Property Cost Calculators

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      GPS and Maps

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Broker Details

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Discussion Forums

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.
      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.
      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Payment History

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Push Notifications

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Mortgage Calculator

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Sorting & Search Filters

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Property Verification

      Deliver the Best Services with Property Management Software.

      Leverage the customer experience with the custom On-Demand Property Management Software  to automate the complex Property Management Apps and propel your rental business to new heights.

      Our Portfolio

      We have accomplished various customized mobile app development solutions for property management software companies & other big organizations. Some of them are mentioned below.

      Success in Numbers - Revealing the Remarkable Stats

      For more than 1 Decade we are advancing research and development to deliver IT Consulting Services for different industries. Here are some Facts and figures from the 2010 year that highlight that we continue to deliver innovation to our esteemed clients, partners, and communities.

      outsourcing software development


      Dedicated in-house Resources



      Happy & Satisfied Client



      Projects Done



      Years Experience

      Happy Clients

      We have a World-Wide Client base, which talks volume about our capability and expertise. Throughout the years, we have been continuously working towards client’s satisfaction by providing them complete, cost-effective and professional web designing and development solutions.

      Exceptional Customer Satisfaction: 5-Star Reviews from Our Happy Clients

       Over the years, we have remained dedicated to ensuring client satisfaction by delivering comprehensive, cost-effective, and professional web design and development solutions.

      Take your Property Management Business Online Today

      We'll help you turn disordered processes into effective ones.

      Customer Success Stories: What Our Clients Say About Tekki

      Key Features of our Property Management Software Solution

      Our property management software solutions play a magical role in empowering property management software companies and revolutionizing the way businesses operate in the industry. Its seamless functionality helps real estate buyers and sellers identify appropriate homes with ease and unrivaled convenience.


      Property Listings

      The admins can manage/edit/remove the property listings as per the situation to offer authenticity.


      User Management

      Accept and reject the user profile request of both the property brokers, sellers, and buyers.


      Customer Support

      Quality customer support services to enable them to make the application usage convenient for them.


      Revenue Reports

      Admins can check and monitor the revenue reports of the properties to take future decisions accordingly.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Lead Management

      Lead generation through the lead management option by creating brand awareness.

      Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      Property Advertisement

      To enhance sales and revenue, the application is embedded with the feature to create advertisements.


      Analytics & Reporting

      This feature assists the real estate industry owners to make decisions as per the industry trends.


      Currency Converter

      This feature made this application globally available as it offers the admins with the currency converter option.


      Subscription Manager

      The admins can create/edit/remove the subscription packages for the property brokers and buyers.


      Profile Setup

      It allows the property brokers to create and manage the profile to enable the buyers to get information about them.


      Property Verification

      Once the property is listed by the sellers, the brokers can verify the property location and make it public for the sellers.


      Add Property Maps

      After property verification, the property brokers can add virtual/3D maps to the property listings.


      Property Status

      The property brokers can update the property status time-to-time to update the property buyers.


      Social Sharing

      To enhance the property listing visibility, the brokers can share it on social media platforms.


      Realtor Appointment

      A section for property brokers, where they can fix online appointments with the property sellers and buyers.


      Calendar Management

      The brokers will get an update on the upcoming tasks through the online calendars within the applications.


      In-app Chat

      The realtors can offer free consultation services to property buyers with the use of an in-app chat system.



      The brokers can add the property listings in favorites as per the properties subscription plans.


      3D Property Views

      To have virtual property tours, the property buyers can check the 3D views of the properties listed.


      Property Cost Calculators

      To get an idea of the estimated cost of the property, the property cost calculators are beneficial for the buyers.


      Property Profiles

      The property buyers can check the property profiles and select those properties in shortlists.

      sorting and filteration

      Sorting & Filtration

      To offer ease in searching, the property buyer panels are provided with advanced sorting & filtration.

      discussion forums

      Discussion Forums

      If the property buyers have any query, they can post them in the discussion forums with the buyer/seller community.

      payment history

      Payment History

      Property Buyers can check and manage their property cost payment history for future decisions.

      gps maps


      To locate the property listings in nearby/faraway locations, the buyers can make use of GPS and Maps.

      broker details

      Broker Details

      To check the broker's authenticity, the buyers are allowed to check the broker details.

      mortgage calculator

      Mortgage Calculator

      An estimation of the future lease interest/cost of the properties listed, the mortgage calculator is beneficial.

      Your FAQ’s

      We believe that a vision can be pursued and accomplished when everyone achieves their goals driving
      religiously through the laid core values of the organization.

      Do AR-based solutions beneficial for the Property Management Software?

      Yes, the AR/VR based custom solution is useful for the property management software. It helps to boosts the sales and revenue of the businesses as it offers out-of-the-box features including 3D home virtual tours, virtual property tours, etc. You want the custom app development with AR technology, then hire an expert team of Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

      How much does it cost to develop a Property management app?

      The estimated cost for the property management app development entirely depends on several factors including the type of project, features, etc. To get an idea of the exact cost of a property management application, you can contact our project managers. Hire us now.

      What are the benefits of having a mobile app for the property management software companies?

      Having the mobile application in the property management software companies, helps the property owners and property brokers to track customer behavior, In addition to this, the virtual property tours assist the buyers to check the properties without actually visiting the place. So, if you are an owner of the real estate industry, then you should go for a  Property management application.

      What are some popular property management applications in the market?

      With the introduction of custom property management applications in the market, most property management businesses are adopting custom solutions. Here are some of the popular Real estate property management software software that are trending in the market:

      • Zillow
      • Redfin
      • Realtor
      • Trulia
      • Xome Auctions

      Also, you can check our Real Estate case study where we delivered a best property management software.

      How to Contact Us

      Have a question or need assistance? We’re here to help! Reach out to our dedicated team and experience our exceptional customer support. Whether it’s a query, feedback, or a specific request, we’re just a click or call away. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us and let us exceed your expectations.

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        Real Estate Industry

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        HousingPanel Maintenance

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        Rental Appartment Industry

        Navigate online listing platform for rental property managers and owners. We proudly present ourselves as the premier destination for expeditious, tailored, and cost-free rental solutions.

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        Real Estate Industry

        Its a Real estate Industry project. Property Management and Real Estate Brokerage Services. They have all the support and technology as a large company, without you becoming lost in the shuffle.

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        HousingPanel Maintenance

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