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    Social Media Marketing Trends to Watch in 2024


    Can you believe it’s already 2024? Time is flying! For us social media marketers, it feels like we can barely keep up with all the changes lately. But the trends and new features coming down the pipeline this year seem more major than ever.

    I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Live video dominating? TikTok-style short form videos everywhere? Social platforms becoming one stop shops? Wild, right?

    The good news is, I’m here to help make sense of it all! In this post, we’ll break down the need-to-know trends and how to make them work for you. Let’s dive in.

    Live Video Takes Center Stage

    Let’s start with one of the biggest developments in social media today: the rise of live video. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram have been pushing live video hard the past couple of years, and the trend is only picking up steam in 2024.

    Why does live video work so well? For starters, it feels spontaneous and authentic to viewers. There’s an excitement and energy you just can’t replicate with edited, pre-recorded video. Fans love engaging in real time with their favorite brands and creators.

    On top of that, the algorithms are prioritizing live video more than ever before. So if you want to get reach on social media, live video should be a big part of your strategy.

    Here are some of the best ways to use live video this year:

    • Give your followers a “behind the scenes” look at your company with broadcasts from the office. Let people see who you are!
    • Announce new products or services with an exciting live reveal. Build up anticipation with teasers before you go live.
    • Answer fan questions and engage your audience in real time with a Q&A or AMA (ask me anything) broadcast.
    • Share live tutorials, demos or how-tos to help and educate your audience.
    • Go live at events, launches or experiences to make fans feel like they’re right there with you.

    Pro tip: Don’t just set it and forget it. Have team members monitoring comments and engaging with viewers during any live stream.

    One more crazy stat to convince you: live video can get up to 6x the engagement of regular video! It’s time to start streaming.

    Social Commerce Is the Next Big Thing

    Have you noticed how social platforms like Instagram and TikTok are essentially becoming shopping networks? Social commerce is exploding, and it’s going to transform digital marketing in 2024.

    Social media sites want to keep users within their own ecosystems. So they’re launching features that facilitate shopping from browsing to checkout. 

    For example, Instagram is doubling down on Instagram Shops and checkout capabilities. TikTok is busy testing TikTok Shopping. Over on Pinterest, every pin now has shoppable Product Pins. Even LinkedIn is getting in on social commerce with Product Pages. To build authenticity and transparency, some brands are even using AI website builders that use advanced algorithms to create customized landing pages and user experiences. These AI tools can help you quickly adapt your website and marketing materials to resonate better with target audiences.

    For marketers, this shift unlocks major opportunities to drive real sales directly through social platforms. But you have to fully embrace social commerce if you want to stay competitive.

    Short-Form Video Continues to Rule

    TikTok proved the power of ultra short-form video. And now the format is exploding everywhere. Businesses that embrace brevity will have an advantage in 2024.

    For marketers, this shift means we need to condense our messages into mobile-friendly videos that quickly captivate audiences.

    Here are some tips for stepping up your short-form video game:

    • Keep videos under 60 seconds – under 30 seconds is even better. Quick cuts, text overlays and dynamic editing help pack more in.
    • Hook viewers instantly. That scrolling thumb is ruthless. You have mere seconds to grab attention.
    • Find new ways to be creative. The bar is high, so take risks! Fun effects, transitions, graphics and more can help you stand out.
    • Don’t just repurpose. Short-form needs its own content approach tailored to the constraints of the format.
    • Share videos that align with your brand voice and personality. Let your passion and uniqueness shine through.

    Short, sweet and catchy is the way of the future. Time to embrace bite-sized video storytelling!

    Virtual Influencers Are Here to Stay

    Here’s one trend I never saw coming: the rise of virtual influencers. These are computer-generated “people” that brands create to act as social media influencers. And it’s not just a gimmick – it’s going mainstream.

    Experts predict there is over 9,000 virtual influencers today. Virtual humans like Lil Miquela have millions of followers. And brands like Calvin Klein are leveraging them to reach audiences.

    For marketers, virtual influencers present interesting opportunities:

    • They don’t have PR disasters or problematic histories. Brand safety is guaranteed.
    • You have total control over their branding and messaging.
    • They can be customized to resonate with target demographics like Gen Z.
    • They tap into the human tendency to connect with characters and personalities.

    On the flip side, some find virtual influencers creepy or inauthentic. But as the tech improves, they become more relatable. It’s worth exploring if it aligns with your audience.

    At the very least, pay attention as virtual influencers go mainstream. They have serious marketing potential.

    Your Turn!

    I hope mapping out these big social media marketing trends gets you excited. 2024 promises to bring innovation that will transform our industry.

    Now over to you: Which of these trends are you most pumped about? How will you be integrating them into your own social media strategy? Let me know in the comments!

    About the Author

    Karan Sood is an Expert SEO/Marketing Executive with extensive experience in Content Writing specially with Technical background. He is assisting number of clients with Complete Marketing support.

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