Sending and receiving messages with software applications using message quest is possible and it is done with RabbitMQ. What Is RabbitMQ? RabbitMQ is the first of its kind application that provides the facility for asynchronous communication to happen between two systems that have different throughputs. The problem of different systems communicating with each other is an age-long problem. Different protocols define the means of transportation for communication.
Some examples are SMTP, FTP, HTTP, etc. These communications systems are based on TCP/UDP. They only deal with the formatting of the data and finding the correct recipient of a message. When we need an intermediary while receiving the message to take the job. Here RabbitMQ comes into play.
RabbitMQ ensures that the message reaches the destination. The synchronous (delayed) message delivery is the actual feature for what RabbitMQ is known for. There are a lot more other works of RabbitMQ present, that we will be discussing.
Table of Contents
What is RabbitMQ?
Are you looking for the answer to what is RabbitMQ? RabbitMQ is an open-source Message-broker software meant for advanced Message queuing protocol. It has been continuously extended with the help of plug-in architecture to provide Steam Text-oriented Messaging Protocol.
What is the difference between the message queue and RabbitMQ?
MSMQ works with its own queue while RabbitMQ delegates the entire work to an external system called Exchange and then proceeds to the queuing process.
Is RabbitMQ a TaskQueue?
RabbitMQ uses the queues to distribute time-consuming tasks and reduce heavy resource usage.
What is RabbitMQ Used for?
RabbitMQ is used as an intermediary platform that ensures your messages are rightly delivered to the audience with safety. RabbitMQ keeps the messages safe until it is delivered to the targeted audience. To do this, RabbitMQ used Queuing, Queues provides a way for parts of the application to push messages when they are needed to send. The RabbitMQ architecture diagram provides a clear overview of how it works as a message broker.
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Is there any Rabbitmq alternatives
There are plenty of other RabbitMQ alternatives that are being presented in the market. Some of them are kafka, activemq, ZeroMQ, ActiveMQ and so on. Below is the comparison of RabbitMQ Alternatives.
Rabbitmq vs Kafka
What is RabbitMQ vs Kafka, its difference. RabbitMQ is an open-source distributed message broker written in erlang. it facilitates the efficient delivery of messages in complex routing scenarios. It is compatible with existing technologies for any kind of integration and changes. Its capability can be expected through plug-ins.
On the other hand, Kafka, better called Apache Kafka, is a distributed event streaming platform. It is written in scala and java. Instead of focusing on flexible routing, it instead facilitates raw throughput. Kafka is based on the idea of a “distributed append-only log”.
It is done where messages are written to the end of a log that’s persisted to disk. With Kafka, clients can choose where they begin reading from that log.
ActiveMQ vs Rabbitmq
The difference between Rabbitmq vs Activemq is that ActiveMQ is open-source multi-protocol support that too, written in Java language. On the other hand, RabbitMQ is written in erlang. Although they both work for sending messages, Still there are some outperforming features in both of them.
Celery vs Rabbitmq
Difference between What is Rabbitmq and What is Celery.
Celery is an asynchronous distributed task queue. RabbitMQ is a message broker which implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It can be used for anything where asynchronous is used. Any kind of background collection of extension queries can be done efficiently with celery.
Unlike celery, RabbitMQ is based on configuration and resources. RabbitMQ supports both persistent and transient messages.
How Does Rabbitmq Work
In the above section, we got you covered what is rabbitmq. Now we are discussing what is rabbitmq used for? The RabbitMQ work is simple in the process but complex in execution. The process follows a chain of actions backed by another action as antecedent. The RabbitMQ workflow works in three steps. One is producer RabbitMQ and Customer on the third stage.
The entire process of rabbitMQ works on putting requests. Both producer and Customer at final end put his request for the files that are queued for the transfer. Once the request is received RabbitMQ does the rest of the work. The RabbitMQ workflow is defined below:
- Being a message broker, RabbitMQ is used to reduce the load and delivery time of web application servers by delegating times.
- The basic rabbitmq architecture is simple.
- Producers create messages that are needed to be delivered.
- The broker is the message queue that will receive the message.
- Other applications that are called customers will be connected to the queue and give their consent to send the messages to them.
- Once the messages are sent by the producers. It is stored in the path unless the customer tries to retrieve them.
- Once the messages are retrieved, the message journey is done.

This can be easily understood by a simple example of an image file.
- Suppose a user sends an image file to be transferred to the consumer.
- He sends an Image file request to the web application.
- The producer (Web Application) sends a message to the RabbitMQ
- When an exchange accepts the message for the image file and routes the file to correct Destination using Queue.
- The Receiver receives the image file when he puts a request to retrieve the same.
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Undoubtedly, RabbiMQ is a robust cross-communication idea with reliability, comfort, security, and performance. The utilities provided by RabbitMQ are approaching and make it one of the best Message broker channels used for cross-language communications.
Its message queuing option provides the additional benefit of queuing messages temporarily. Companies that deal with various channels have completely overturned their data streaming models with the help of RabbiMQ, and it’s your turn to do the same.
Hope this article on what is Rabbitmq, it’s working and architecture would be helpful for you.
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