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    Nodejs vs Python – Which is the Best Option for Web App Development?

    Nodejs vs Python

    The selection of the right programming language for web app development projects is entirely a daunting task. The faster deployment of web applications relies on the frontend and backend programming languages. Mostly, backend programmers in a dilemma to choose the best in Nodejs vs Python. Since every programming language has some good or bad, the programmers should consider their projects’ specifications and demands. Today, we will look into the benefits and downsides of the two most popular backend programming languages – Nodejs vs Python. Have a look at it.
    No doubt, JavaScript earned an excellent name in the programming world, is spotted next to CSS and HTML, and is considered one of the internet’s building blocks. On the other hand, Python is also powerful and incredibly popular outside the web and known for its royalty. No matter what type of project you are going to work on, you will get a fantastic idea of selecting backend language (including Node js Development or Python Development) by the end of this article- Nodejs vs Python.


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    NodeJS isn’t a programming language; it is a runtime environment that allows both the backend and frontend development without any compatibility issues. Nodejs was released on May 27, 2009, by the developer, Ryan Dahl. Nodejs is written in C, C++, and JavaScript. Nodejs is an open-source, cross-platform runtime environment built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. Nodejs uses the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it a lightweight technology for web app development. Nodejs is widely used in countries like the United States, China, Brazil, India


    Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

    On the other hand, Python is also used as a frontend and backend programming language. Python was developed in 1990 by the developer, Guido Van Rossum of the Python Software Foundation. Python is a general-purpose, high-level language used for both backend and frontend development of web applications. Python language can be used to develop desktop, web, and mobile applications due to the availability of the excessive number of packages and libraries. Python is extensively used in countries like Russia, Germany, Italy, Spain.

    Nodejs vs Python: Comparison

    Nodejs Python
    Overview Runtime JavaScript Environment High-level Programming
    Architecture Non-Blocking and Event-Driven Not Event-Driven
    Speed Faster Slower
    Syntax Similar to JS Browsers Easy and Simple
    Scalability Scalable Not Scalable
    Libraries Fast, reliable and managed with NPM Fast, reliable and managed with PIP
    Universality Web, Desktop, and Mobile Web, Desktop
    Community Large Large
    Best Suited For IoT solutions, real-time applications, chatbots, single-page applications, and streaming applications. Data science apps, image processing, data modeling, voice/face recognition, and games.

    Nodejs vs Python: Popular Applications

    As we know, both Nodejs and Python are powerful technologies used for backend and frontend development; definitely, both are used by brands or reputed companies. Let’s find out the Nodejs vs Python examples used by the companies, whether in backend development or frontend development.

    Companies that prefer Nodejs development

    Companies that prefer Python development

    Nodejs vs Python: Pros and Cons

    If any technology has an immense number of benefits, these would definitely have drawbacks. Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of Nodejs and Python development for web applications.

    Pros of Nodejs Development

    • The use of event-driven and non-blocking I/O models makes the Nodejs development faster and more productive.
    • Nodejs can be used as the same language for both the frontend and backend development of an application.
    • The presence of modules in Nodejs’standard library makes it highly scalable

    Cons of Nodejs Development

    • Nodejs is less efficient with CPU-intensive operations.
    • Nodejs has low quality and a lack of documentation for some modules in npm

    Pros of Python Development

    • Python is very easy to use and learn due to its concise and expressive syntax.
    • Due to the incredibly stable architecture, Python is considered as relatively faster than other programming languages.
    • Python has a rich standard library and ecosystem.

    Cons of Python Development

    • Python support many servers and desktops, but it lacks in mobile computing and browsers.
    • Python does not support Domain-specific Languages.

    Nodejs vs Python: Architecture

    As we discussed before, Nodejs uses the event-driven and non-blocking I/O models, which is efficient to handle several concurrent requests. What’smore, this incredible feature of Nodejs makes it a fantastic option to develop real-time applications. In contrast, Python doesn’t support multithreading. But, Python can be used to create an asynchronous and multithreaded application using the modules like asyncio.

    Nodejs vs Python: Speed and Performance

    Which is Faster Nodejs or Python?

    Nodejs is known for its speed and efficiency. However, Python is comparatively slower than Nodejs, as Python doesn’t support the multithreading process. The Python speed can be enhanced using the Django, but still, it is not a viable option for the mobile app development services. With a faster pace and higher performance, Nodejs is used for real-time web application development.

    Nodejs vs Python: Trending Technologies

    Although Nodejs can also build applications for IoT devices, it is extensively used for web application development like real-time communication applications. On the other side, Python is used for the latest and trending technologies like Machine Learning, Data Science, and the Internet of Things due to several tools and extensions. It entirely depends on the programmers to choose among the Python and Nodejs to use with the trending technologies.

    Nodejs vs Python: Popularity

    We have analyzed the popularity of Nodejs development and Python development on Google Trends, here you can check the searches for Nodejs and Python on Google by United States residents.

    Nodejs vs Python

    If we talk about the popularity of Nodejs and Python worldwide, according to the SimilarTech statistics, around 169,606 websites are developed using the nodejs and 125,074 websites are developed using the Python.

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    Nodejs vs Python: Syntax

    Talking about the syntax of Nodejs and Python, then Nodejs syntax is quite similar to JavaScript. The one who knows the JavaScript code makes it easy for him/her to learn the Nodejs. In comparison, Python syntax is much easier than the Nodejs, as it is free of any sort of curly or simple brackets. Python is a beginner-friendly language and can be understandable by the person with a bit of technical know-how. Rest, it is the personal choice of programmers which technology or syntax they prefer to code.

    Nodejs vs Python: Libraries

    While talking about the libraries of Nodejs and Python, Nodejs’ libraries and packages are handled using the NPM(Node Package Manager). NPM is considered as the largest warehouse of software libraries. In contrast, Python’s libraries are handled with the PIP(Pip Installs Python). The stack of PIP is easy to use, reliable, and quick for the developers. Both the library stacks, NPM and PIP, are a viable option for the developers. So, they can choose based on their project.

    Nodejs vs Python: Universalities

    While considering the universality of both Nodejs and Python, then Nodejs not only used to build web applications but also used for the development of hybrid and desktop applications along with IoT and cloud solutions. Nodejs, as a cross-platform framework, allows the developers to create applications for Mac, Linus, and Windows. In comparison, Python is a fantastic choice for desktop and mobile application development. But it is not an ideal option for the development of mobile applications. However, Python is demanding in the field of AI and IoT solutions.

    Nodejs vs Python: Error Handling

    Errors are the most common for programming while coding. So, it always recommendable to identify the error handling capabilities of the technologies. Nodejs is capable enough of finding errors during coding with the help of exceptional error handling options. In Python’s case, it is significantly easier for the developers to find out and debug the errors. Python is generally considered as a better option for exception handling. So, both the technologies are good at debugging and exception handling.

    Nodejs vs Python: When to use

    After analyzing the features of Nodejs, it is concluded that Nodejs is an ideal solution for the development of messaging and chatting applications. Due to the non-blocking and event-driven nature of Nodejs, it can be used for the development of data-intensive real-time applications. Nodejs is best suited for applications like I/O bound applications, Data streaming applications, Single Page applications, JSON API based applications, Data-Intensive Real-time applications.

    Whereas Python has large libraries for open-source data analysis tools, web frameworks, and testing tools. Python is best suited for applications including Web and Internet Development, Scientific and Numeric, Education, Desktop GUIs, and Business Applications.


    After reading the whole article, you have a clear idea about Nodejs and Python, Nodejs is used for web application development, and Python is used entirely over the web. Nodejs development services are viable for all the devices and applications, whereas Python lacks in mobility computing. I hope now you will be able to choose the right option for your web app development. Whether you choose Nodejs or Python, all you need is to consider the demand of your projects, so you can choose the right one accordingly. If you want to get the web app development services and looking for a Node js development company, then hire Node js developer at the company, Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

    Read More: Most Popular Nodejs Frameworks for Developers

    About the Author

    Karan Sood is an Expert SEO/Marketing Executive with extensive experience in Content Writing specially with Technical background. He is assisting number of clients with Complete Marketing support.

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