I want to reinstate suspended GMB– well, this is a heating desire of all the time. Google My Business suspension is something that no business wants to face. But, apparently, sooner or later, every local business faces the google my business suspension issue. When the suspension happens, and you see the red suspended box on your GMB business page. You backfire to google by filling the reinstatement form. But most likely you will not get reinstated.
We also face such cases where clients come to us for taking Search Engine Marketing Services and say they have done everything correct but google is not getting their account reinstated. Well! That’s not the case. Let us share one of our client’s GMB suspension issues, that we resolved when there was no hope for him.
Table of Contents
Reinstate Suspended GMB: Problems We faced
It’s damn clear that our client was facing the GMB suspension issue. But it’s not as simple as that. He has previously filled several GMB reinstatement forms that lead to a negative view in Google’s support eyes.
- The client’s Google My business account was suspended after 2 months of Postcard verification. He just had put some duplicate addresses in the GMB listing while creating a new one. And, Alas! It got his business “HARD” suspended.
- The client has a brand name that was being matched with other companies listed on Google my business.
- The Identical companies were well established and were on google my business listing for so long.
- Among all the speculations of listing suspension causes. Finding the actual cause of the Google my business suspension was the real thing.
Google My Business Reinstate: Challenges We dealt with
The case to Reinstate Suspended GMB was challenging. There were too many problems that we need to sort out before getting everything fine.
- The client has a previous listing done on yelp and other reputable websites that were different from the new listing in terms of address, website, and contact. This was creating a suspected business perception.
- The client was not handling and operating the business from a physical store but the listing was done to represent a physical address business only.
- There were several violations in the GMB account such as using address/phone number in the posts.
- The website of the client was not accurately representing the business.
- He had presented a service area business as a physical address business which is a violation of google terms.
Reinstate Suspended GMB: Solutions we provided
The client’s case of GMB suspension was not as easy as pie. There were countless violations done by the entire business and still, he was looking for the Google my business reinstatement. In order to provide so, we briefly analyzed the entire case and perform several major and minor changes to the business.
- We first corrected the contact numbers and addresses from the websites.
- We removed all the social media posts that were representing this google my business as being a physical store business.
- We corrected the map violation being done on the entire website.
- We removed the address from google my business and did everything that makes the client’s business relevant and trustworthy in google’s eyes.
- We removed all the violations that were done by the local business and got everything ready for reinstatement.
We submitted the reinstatement, being sure that it will be a matter of days. But ! we got the reply that our client was previously getting for so long. And, it was the denial of reinstatement request.

It was becoming hectic in finding what was being done wrong to Google my business. Because we already had corrected each and every mistake.
Now, the time has come that our case was not being reviewed due to several rejections.
But everything is easy
We had the way to directly reach google my business support team via Twitter and it worked. We got mail on the very next day in our email box.
However, the discussion was taking a too long time. They had several problems with our client GMB. With one email of discussion each day, weeks and weeks passed. Upon further discussion, we got to know that we’ve solved everything and they finally asked about the company name and address proof to Reinstate Suspended GMB.
We were looking for this opportunity.
We got the same from a client and happily sent that back to google my business support team. And Wow! We got another email the next day.
And the email was this, Seriously?

They stated the reason for “abuse activity” whereas the entire google forum, google questionnaire, and the entire internet doesn’t have any information about the “Abuse activity” of google my business. So how are we supposed to get that?
We asked the same to the support in an email and they didn’t say anything straight.
We dedicated the time to know what really they mean by abuse activity and resolved the same.
After doing everything correctly, We submitted another email for Reinstatement.
And finally, we got what we were waiting for for a month. That was the reinstatement of Hard Suspended Google My Business Account.
We successfully got the hard suspended google my business account reinstated, that too with the case of abuse activity.

Tips to Reinstate the Suspended Google My Business Account
Getting local business on Google my business is the first thing that all local business owners when they opt for Social Media marketing services. Following are some practical tips to reinstate suspended GMB that you should follow if you are really concerned about your listing and its outcomes.
- Always Describe and represent your business accurately on google maps and google my business local search.
- Don’t ever try to cheat the search algorithms with duplicate listings. Even if you get success today, your business will be suspended later when the algorithm is updated.
- Make your business trustworthy with reviews and testimonials.
- Don’t submit too many reinstatement requests before making everything correct to your google my business.
- Briefly describe your service areas if you are a service area business.
- Don’t mark yourself as a physical address business if you are not in reality.
- Get reviews and testimonials from clients to present your business real on the web.
- Creating two listings on the same address has many aspects to follow. You need to understand all before doing so.
Key Takeaway
We hope you enjoy reading the above case with a practical solution. Get started with reading the google my business guidelines and do everything that is necessary to make your business trustworthy. If you are still facing issues in getting your business reinstated on Google My business you can opt for Digital marketing services to get an account audit for you.