Do you know that the internet of things (IoT) is extending with a new offshoot of Internet of Behavior (IoB) and it’s going to track you all the time? Yeah, you listened right. You must be using smartwatches, smart home assistants, connected appliances, wearable health monitors, and wireless trackers to enhance your productivity and comfort in day-to-day life. These gadgets are going to be the internet of behavior devices to track your behavior all the time.
All these technologies work with their foundation, (IoT) Internet of things. As more and more people are being connected with IoT, the data being received by companies is higher than ever. The use of IoT devices has almost doubled over the last five years. It shows a significant sign about which door we are heading to and the door is the Internet of Behavior.
Table of Contents
What is Internet of Behavior?
The Internet of behavior is a new branch of the Internet of things. You may call it the modern implementation of individual's behavior to keep them personalized and connected. The large amount of data that companies were getting with the use of smart appliances connected to the internet, now will be used to continuously monitor your activities.
Companies have successfully inter-connected all the major devices with the internet and it’s an easy task for them to keep you on their watchlist. Right now, a single device (your smartphone) is monitoring all your activities such as where you visited yesterday, which hotel you stayed in, and how long did you stay, etc. They know every single detail about your likes, dislikes, interests, behavior, daily habits, purchase habits, etc. All this information will now be used to target you with commercial and non-commercial things.
You may understand it with just a simple example of a smartwatch. Previously, your smartwatch was limited to giving you information about your heart rate, step counts, and sleep time, etc. Now, the same device will monitor your heart rate continuously and immediately warn you when your heartbeat goes abnormal. It will also tell you to follow a specific activity to reduce your increased heart rate, will guide you on improving your sleep quality, and things that you really care about.
Here your smartwatch has used your behavior patterns to suggest things that may improve your wellbeing.
Is internet of Behavior the future?
Internet of Behavior (IoB) has the same potential as IoT. It will surely overtake the world in the next 3-5 years.
Is internet of Behavior safe?
There will be the issue of data security when IoB is implemented in Industries. So, Data Security will be an important thing to manage.
Value of the Internet of Behavior
Gote Nyman, a Psychology Professor at the University of Helsinki developed the concept that human behavior can be data mined. With efficient data gathering and data analysis, we already know what’s happening in the other parts of the world. But with the help of behavior analysis, we can successfully figure out what is going to happen in the future. The only limitation is that monitoring the behavior of an individual is easy but defining the behavior with heat maps, statistics, and then concluding the next step of an individual may not be too much accurate. Internet of behavior follows four steps to work:
Data: To track better
Information: To observe the behavior
Knowledge: To Target individuals
Wisdom: To provide better at the end
Beneficiaries of Internet of Behavior
Every new technology affects several areas of the commercial world. Internet of behavior will also play a key role in commercial sectors such as:
Manufacturing Industry
The manufacturing industry is the biggest name that will be strongly influenced by digital transformation technologies. Among the perplexing debates of IoT Development, Artificial Intelligence, and robotics technologies used in the manufacturing industry, the internet of behaviors (IoB) is slowly taking its place. The Internet of behavior will be used in manufacturing industries to monitor the behaviors of the employees and workers. They will be monitored to deliver work on time, with enhanced productivity, less idle time, and reduced unnecessary activities.
Sales Industry
The sales industry is the biggest beneficiary of the internet of behavior. With the turnout of a huge volume of Individual data, there will be an easy yet strategic implementation of the sales process to sell products and services to interested people. IoB can be considered as a combination of the three factors:
Data analytics
Behavioral science
All these three factors will be closely examined to make a sales pitch to sell relevant products and services to the people who are in the process of buying.
Digital Marketing
Having an internet connection is the prerequisite of the internet of behavior (IoB), hence marketing, better say digital marketing services will be among the biggest gainers of IoB technology. Digital marketing is the field that uses data as its basic commodity to market products and services to people around the world. With access to tools of behavioral analysis and interpretations, they will be in a stronger position to better reach the people who are at the endpoint of the purchase process.
There will be a boom in digital Marketing Services around the world. Digital marketing will be used for brand advertising, lead generation, and Sales generation, from the people, more prominently. If you also want any kind of help or consultation in Digital marketing, Hire Digital Marketing Experts from TWS to fulfill your needs
Read more: Learn the Art of Digital Transformation – Reshape your Business
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Research Industry
It’s no secret that research needs data in order to do better testing and analysis. With the help of the Internet of behavior and a big volume of customer data, the research industry will be facilitated to customer research, product research, observational research, experimental research, and simulation data to bring innovative technologies to the market. Research Industry will better understand the needs of the market to come out with the meticulous solutions
Common Household
In the cloudburst of (IoB) Internet of behavior, where the common household stands, who is the real reason behind all these possibilities? To answer, the Internet of behavior has many things to provide to common households. Individuals will get safety, comfort, and efficiency in their day to day life. They will be able to make better decisions with the help of IoB. To state, Internet of behaviors examples., during Covid-19, IoB was used to detect whether a person has worn the face mask, and washed his hand or not. They were remembered all the time to follow the guideline to safeguard themselves.
Shopping sites
Shopping giants such as Walmart, Amazon, Costco Wholesale Corp, The Kroger Company, Home Depot Inc, and so on will be using the internet of behavior prominently to monitor the activists in their stores. Not just shopping sites, all the places with large human gatherings will be monitored through the IoB, to encourage a specific etiquette. By the year 2025, you will be witnessing physical staff for the checkout process will be mostly eliminated and an auto checkout system will be installed at all the majority of shopping sites. All this will be possible due to the internet of behavior.
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Pros and Cons of Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
The Internet of Behaviour has caught the world's attention, due to its uniqueness and potential of growth. There are many benefits as well as potential threats, related to IoB technology.
Advantages of Internet of Behaviors (IoB)
A large volume of data will be utilized to make people’s lives better.
The Internet of behavior will be a tool of revenue generation for most people, companies, and organizations.
IoB is surely going to introduce tech-savviness to all the sectors of the population.
IoB will provide enough data for market research.
IoB can also be used to enhance the security of public places with face recognition.
IoB insists on an individual approach for all users.
It will provide more business opportunities to people.
It is going to reduce the monitoring costs of Industries.
It will provide a better customer experience due to personalized targeting of the product and services.
IoB will start a new era of being in the digital world.
Potential Disadvantages of Internet of Behavior
Internet of Behavior security is a critical issue. Nothing is 100% safe and so the internet of Behavior is. There are chances of Data theft and personal information leaks, that may adversely affect the individuals.
The abundance of data and insight will be a huge challenge to manage and secure. There will be a greater need for cybersecurity to stop crimes.
The Internet of Behavior is still in its early days, so a lot of drawbacks may come out in the future that is currently hidden.
Like the internet of things (IoT), the internet of behavior (IoB) may also turn out as a life-changing thing for people. IoB has the potential to open new fronts of technology. IoB is currently in its infancy stage, but according to Gartner (a research company) by the year 2025, IoB will be prevalent in half of the world’s population. The recent increase in IoT devices are also indicating the same. IoB has come with tons of excitement to bring innovation and change to the technological world, hence you need to prepare yourself for a digital future.
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