When it comes to creating a cross platform app for different platforms. The first thing that comes is our mind is flutter. Before flutter, technologies such as Xamarin, Phone Gap, and Ionic were used to develop cross platform apps. But flutter has created a lot of new buzz in the entire development community with its robust features. Working with Xamarin, Phone Gap, etc. were really hard, and flutter provided a new way to create an app for cross platforms that work on both android and iOS. Cross platform app development is the generation of software applications that are cooperative with multiple mobile operating systems.
Flutter is now used to create beautiful and faster apps for different platforms support, which saves effort and time. Cross platform app development is a hot topic as different tools by different brands are made to do cross platform app development, e.g., Xamarin developed by Microsoft, Phone Gap developed by Adobe, and React Native developed by Facebook.
By the end of this article, you will Learn Why flutter is the best choice for Cross Platform App Development software and its future predictions.
Table of Contents
What is cross platform App development?
The cross platform app simply means apps that work on different platforms. That means there’s no need to create code for different platforms. A simple app made with a flutter SDK will work effortlessly for both android, mac, and iOS platforms. Cross platform apps can run on many platforms simultaneously, with a minimum limit of two.
Flutter is one of the software development kit (SDK) Build by Google in a view to create mobile, and web applications based on Android and iOS. Although, flutter in a new tool launched in 2018 by Google, it has been used by the world’s renowned companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Google itself in his homemade tool “Google Ads”.

Can Flutter be used for Web?
Yes, Flutter can be used for web software development.
Which database we can use in Flutter?
The SQLite databases via the SQLite plugin available on pub can be used for Database of
Why Flutter and Benefits of flutter?
Flutter is an open-source and free-of-cost SDK with lots of customizations and functionalities. It follows the best development guidelines, hence, making it one of the most esteemed tools for cross platform app development. The developer can take benefits from its highly customized widgets and coding norms. Coming to the benefits of flutter, they are exponential. The only competition flutter gets is from React Native- Developed by Facebook. Although the competition is stiff, But still, flutter has some serious Advantages that React Native lags in providing.
Benefits of Flutter for Cross Platform App Development
Flutter has many advantages that attract business owners to invest in this framework. Some of them are written below:
Developing Android and IOS simultaneously:
The major benefit of Flutter being a cross platform app Development is its ability to run on different platforms. Flutter can be used on both android, iOS, and Mac devices simultaneously. There’s no need to code for all platforms differently. One code will work for all.
Faster Prototyping
One of the major alluring benefits of flutter is faster prototyping. The hot reload feature makes it stand out among other cross platform Mobile development tools.
Any code can be developed and injected into the running state of the app. That means developers need not stop and reload the app, every time, he pushes some new code.
Codes can be deployed in the running state, whose results will be shown in real-time. This makes the entire prototyping faster and effective.
Lesser Coding
The programming language used in Flutter is very object-oriented. The usage of DART has made it extremely handy, decorative, and well-built. The Ahead-of-time (AOT) and Just-of-Time (JOT) compilation make the DART UI refreshing and development-friendly
Suitable for MPV
The current business scenario encourages users to launch web and mobile apps in a faster time. Flutter not only makes the entire process faster but also develops native apps in the real sense. Flutter makes Both android and iOS platform apps look native.
It costs more money and time to develop apps for the different platforms, but flutter, being used as cross platform mobile app development SDK, eliminated both.
Unlimited widgets
Flutter comes with an extensive and well-built set of widgets to use in web and mobile apps. Many frameworks come with separate properties, controllers, views, layouts, but flutter comes prepacked with all. It makes widget management a lot easier and natural.
Support to older devices
Flutter solves a major concern of cross platform running web and mobile apps of older devices. Apps developed using flutter SDK works well in all older versions of devices. It is a big deal for many users who can’t update their devices due to any technical problems.
In 2021 and the years beyond, flutter is going to explode as one of the most preferred Technology for cross platform app development. Considering the advantages and uniqueness of flutter and being backed by Google itself, flutter is yet to stay for so long. Although flutter is relatively new when compared to other technologies, still businesses looking for a quick start and low-cost development ask developing cross platform software and apps with flutter. Cross Platform app development companies also tend to encourage investors to put their venture into a flutter for better results.