Development Center
    45-46, 1st Floor, Star Enclave
    Near Green City | Ludhiana, 141116 - INDIA
    Contact Number: +91-896-873-8606 (HR)
    US Sales Office
    111 North Market St Ste 300, San Jose,
    CA 95113, USA
    Contact Number : +1(888)-958-2732 (US Toll Free)
    Official Head Quarter
    55 Village Center Place Suite 307 Bldg 4287 Mississauga ON L4Z 1V9, Canada
    Contact Number: +1 647-560-960-3 (CA)

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      Digital Transformation in Transportation and Logistics Operations

      Our comprehensive suite of digital transformation services is designed to address the unique challenges faced by transportation and logistics companies. We leverage advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics, and cloud computing to revolutionize traditional processes, streamline operations, and drive sustainable growth

      • Expert Technical Guidance
      • Cost-Effective Approach
      • User-Centric Design
      • Reporting on daily/weekly/monthly basis

        Request A Proposal
        Contact Number*
        By submitting this form, you explicitly agree to Tekki Web Solutions Inc. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
        ssl-certified Your information is 101% protected by our non disclosure agreement

        Services We Offer

        Tekki Web Solutions Inc. offers complete custom mobile and web application development solutions to the automotive industry professionals varying from simple UI designing to complex development services.


        Technical Consulting

        Our team of technical consultants and software developers assists you in selecting the right technology and custom solutions for your business as per the requirement.



        We believe in serving our clients with top-notch and reliable automotive development solutions to build their reputation in the competitive market.


        Maintenance & Support

        We offer the maintenance and support services to the clients, once the project is completed to assure the working of the website and software in the future.

        Challenges for Automotive Industry Trend

        The emerging automotive industry is switching to automotive app development solutions to tackle the problems present in the traditional automotive business, to enhance the user experience of their clients and to increase their productivity.

        online marketing services

        Market Competition

        The automotive companies failed to compete with the use of the traditional marketing approaches.

        Global network

        Global Network

        It is competitive for the automotive industries to reach their customers globally.

        inaccurate analysis

        Inaccurate Analysis

        Over-expenditure on the automobiles results into damage of cash flow and over-wastages.

        assessment and planning

        Technology Implementation

        Inefficiency in embedding technologies in their system made it tougher for them to compete with companies at global level.


        Traditional Tool Dependency

        The dependency on traditional tools in automobile industry failed to attract the customers.

        Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

        Incompetent Services

        The gap between customers and automobile companies failed to provide efficient fuel mileage, better maintenance, etc.

        Automotive Solutions We Provide

        Tekki Web Solutions Inc. combines the automotive industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology to develop solutions for clients that address their industrial needs.

        Fleet Tracking Solution

        Fleet Tracking Solution

        An efficient solution to track and manage the fleets using the smartphones.

        Automotive Software Solution

        Freight Booking Solution

        A customized solution for the drivers, shippers, etc to manage the business in an optimized way.

        Management Software Development

        Dealer Management Solution

        To manage the dealers at different locations to manage automotive operations.

        Transport and Logistic Development Solution

        Trucking & Logistics Solution

        This solution helps the automotive industry owners to manage the supply chain of their products.


        Custom Manufacturing Solution

        A solution to assists the professionals to manage the data better and more securely.


        Inventory Management Solution

        This solution is ideal for the professional who wants to manage the manufacturing units, goods, etc.

        Success in Numbers - Revealing the Remarkable Stats

        For more than 1 Decade we are advancing research and development to deliver IT Consulting Services for different industries. Here are some Facts and figures from the 2010 year that highlight that we continue to deliver innovation to our esteemed clients, partners, and communities.

        outsourcing software development


        Dedicated in-house Resources



        Happy & Satisfied Client



        Projects Done



        Years Experience

        Why Us for Automotive AppDevelopment?

        We are famous automotive app developers in San Jose, with expertise in providing custom app development and software development solutions to clients from the automotive industry.

        • Automotive Inventory Management Solution
        • Transportation Management Solution
        • Fleet Tracking Solution
        • Freight Tracking Solution
        • Trucking and Logistics Solution
        • Vehicle Sales Management Solution
        • Dealer Management Solution
        • Supply Chain Management Solution
        Automotive Solution Development

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          Happy Clients

          We have a World-Wide Client base, which talks volume about our capability and expertise. Throughout the years, we have been continuously working towards client’s satisfaction by providing them complete, cost-effective and professional web designing and development solutions.

          Customer Success Stories: What Our Clients Say About Tekki

          Get 30 minutes free session
          with our experts for free.

          Custom Software Development Company - Tekki Web Solutions Inc.

          Process to Contact us

          We believe that a vision can be pursued and accomplished when everyone achieves their goals driving religiously through the laid core values of the organization.

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          Your FAQ’s

          We believe that a vision can be pursued and accomplished when everyone achieves their goals driving religiously through the laid core values of the organization.

          How mobile app development services transform the automotive industry?

          The integration of technology in the automotive industry has changed the way it deals with the clients as well as within the industry. It has a completely automated industry as it offers several solutions to cope up with the different challenges by having customized options in the web and mobile applications.

          Is it affordable to go for the custom automotive app development?

          Yes, it is an affordable approach. You can get the desirable features and functionalities in your application by hiring our experienced mobile and web app developers. The cost the custom app development entirely relies on the several factors like features, level of complexity, etc. Hire us now for the affordably priced services.

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          Food Tech Industry

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          Food and Beverage Industry

          The new Munchery offers simple recipes for some of Munchery’s highest-rated meals, allowing you to recreate these popular dishes in the comfort of your own home.
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          Food Tech Industry

          Cangurhu is a platform that connects neighbors to share homemade meals. Users can order food from their neighbors, offering a unique and community-driven dining experience. The website emphasizes convenience, local flavors, and the joy of sharing meals within the community.
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